Greek TV Packages
Advantages Of IPTV
An IPTV system with its key elements provide a wide range of benefits as against a standard cable delivery system. First and foremost benefit stated by IPTV set top box suppliers is that all the contents are digital and this will bring about a vast improvement in the quality of the picture and the resulting viewer experiences. Also, with such a solution, the providers are also able to provide the users with utmost content. This is possible because of the switched broadcast facility offered by IPTV.
Iptv Set Top Box Greek
With cable infrastructure in such a set up, it is possible for the cable company to add every channel on the wire in such a way that viewers can pick up their favorite channel for entertainment purpose. Generally, with a standard cable delivery system, it will be possible for the provider to offer only channels that are limited by the available bandwidth. On the other hand, the switched broadcast feature of IPTV enables the provider to give only the content requested by the viewers and when a different channel is requested by the viewer, the provider is able to immediately switch to the new channel. This particular feature, enables the providers to virtually have an unlimited number of channels and they are freed from the constraint of available bandwidth.

The economic efficiency is another benefit that can be enjoyed by the IPTV set top box suppliers, which is therefore passed on the end users. With the ever decreasing cost of IP related technology, the cost of these systems is reducing significantly and so the providers are now able to give their customers with more content for lesser money. Also, the cost of transporting content with the Internet Protocol technology is much lower as against the current cable system. This reduction in the cost of IPTV Boxes has motivated many cable television channels to introduce their set top box, like the Greek Nova IPTV Box. In addition, the IPTV suppliers state that the cost of their devices is much more lesser against traditional cable set top boxes.